Wrinklystock VII
The Replicants Song Auction
Wrinklystock once again sees the welcome return of The Replicants song setlist charity auction. Yes you can actually bid for your favourite song from the following covers listed below as the band have agreed to play the top twelve song bids (minimum bid £20) in aid of our nominated charities. Be quick an e-mail us at wrinklyrockers11@aol.com as all bids must be in by Sunday 25th November.
Born To Be Wild - £20 bid Julian T
Are You Gonna Go My Way
Ace Of Spades - £20 bid WRC
Back In The USSR - £20 bid Des & Joan
She Sells Sanctuary
My Hero - £20 bid Chris Jones
Lithium - £20 bid Shyne Adcock
Basket Case - £20 Jane & Bob
Smoke On The Water - £20 bid Rock On The Ridge
Bartender And The Thief
Place Your Hands - £20 bid AJ
When The Sun Goes Down (play when sun setting)
Crazy Train - £20 bid Anonymous bidder!
Dani California
Everything About You
Alright Now - £20 bid Stewart & Lindsey
Sex On Fire - £20 bid Gill J
Highway To Hell £20 bid John & Trish
Rebel Yell